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What is the purpose of network cabling?

Network cables are like special wires that connect your computer, printer, router and other devices together. They act as a highway for information to travel between them. This lets you share files, use the internet, and connect with other devices on the network. Network cables are usually better than wireless connections because they are faster, more reliable, and less likely to be interrupted. They are the essential part of a wired network, like the bones that hold everything up.

What are the procedures in network cabling?

Pick a central spot: Decide where your router and switch (the brain of your network) will live. This is like your home base.

Plan your outlets: Think about where your computers and other devices will be and put jacks in those spots to plug them in. Imagine these jacks as connection points for your devices.

Run the cables: Carefully snake the cables between your central spot and the jacks in the walls. Think of these cables as the information highways.

Attach the ends: Use special tools to connect the cables to the jacks and the router/switch. This is like plugging things in.

Snap on the covers: Put little covers on the jacks to keep them tidy and safe.

Test it out: Make sure everything is working properly by checking the connections. It's like making sure all the lights are on before a party.

Set up your devices: Configure your router and other devices so they can talk to each other on the network. This might involve entering passwords or settings.

Here's the catch: To make your network wiring awesome (easy to fix, grows with your needs, etc.), there are some extra tips to follow. We'll cover those next!

Which cable is used for internet connection?

Ethernet cables are like special cords that connect your devices together. They're most commonly used to connect your router to the internet or to link your computer directly to the network. Think of them as digital wires that let your devices talk to each other and the internet.

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